Some of my new publications are now available on ResearchGate

For some reason I’ve chosen to put my work on ResearchGate rather than… I’m afraid I don’t have the energy to put everything I write on both sites. But to update you on what I’ve been up to, if you head over there you’ll see I’ve recently uploaded (or linked to) full-texts of the following pieces:

Book Reviews

Journal Articles

In particular I want to showcase my article “Welcoming The New Amateurs”, at the new #openaccess journal Commoning Ethnography. It’s a short piece, but it summarises a lot of my thoughts about the history of our discipline, decolonizing anthropology and how we can use the past, which is always messy and multi stranded, to construct new and useful genealogies for ourselves. My argument is that the history of anthropology in the 1930s in both New Zealand and the United States provides a better model for the more inclusive, less tenure-tracked future of our discipline than the Cold War era does. We need to be aware that a lot of the the things we think of a typical of an academic discipline — tenured positions, research funding, exclusion of amateurs, rigid genre standards, etc. etc. — were part of one phase of our discipline’s history, not a necessary and essential part of our discipline. I don’t think the piece is perfect, but I do hope you’ll give it a read since I worked really hard on it.

The second journal article is an introduction to a special issue on politics in Papua New Guinea. I will (hopefully) blog more about this soon. But if you are interested in this topic, I encourage you to read not just my piece, but the work of authors of this special issue. You can read an open access version of the entire issue at Anthropological Forum’s great website. They do a great job making their content available despite (*cough*) who their publisher is….

Thanks for reading this and, who knows, maybe some of my published work as well!

My social media sabbatical is over

I’m excited but also sorta trepidatious to announce that my social media sabbatical is now officially over. I took a break in May of last year to deal with stuff, including wrapping my head around the idea of not blogging regularly for the first time in 12 years. After six months I though “well maybe this will be a one semester sabbatical” but then… yeah it was sorta easier to just keep Not Posting. However, now I am back and my goal is to write weekly about things that interest me. I’ll also be more active in posting my work on researchgate and pushing content from this blog to Twitter, Facebook, etc. I also have some other plans afoot but… more on those soon!